
  • Blake Shelton Coyly Responds To Dating Rumors In A Typical Blake Shelton Type Of Way

    Blake Shelton Can Never Seem To Get Any Privacy This Month… Especially When It Comes To His Love Life.

    If there is one mega-Country Music Mega Star that knows how to cause a controversy with Social Media its the one and only… Blake Shelton!

    What he recently Tweeted though has had a lot of people scratching their heads in confusion and jumping to conclusions though because what he Tweeted had a cryptic message.

    Either Blake was being sarcastic like he usually is or he was actually pretty damn serious.

    What made everyone eager though was the validity of who he has been hanging around with so often which happened to be the very recently single Gwen Stefani!

    To Find Out What He Said & How True The Gossip Is Please Go To Page (2) We Have The Answer!!!

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    1. Wendy Parker says:

      Mind boggles at her or her kids go hunting. This is such made up press release its not even funny or believable

    2. He isnt dating gwen. Jeez ppl ur so damn bored making dumb rumors. You go from someone like miranda to someone like gwen!

    3. Who cares if he is dating or not it’s none of anyone’s damn business

    4. Libby Smith says:

      What about Faith Hill? Aren’t she and Tim McGraw rumored to be divorcing? Maybe Blake is rubbing noses with her! See where that chatter goes!

    5. It’s all just the voice reps trying to beef up ratings

    6. Jannie Myers says:

      I said he would jump on the first thrash out there!!!! Some Fans are giving up on him!! He will lose his career over this the lady’s put him were he’s at good lady’s not thrash lady’s! But real lady’s that have respect for themselves!

    7. Jane Whiting says:

      Non your business gossip is childish!!

    8. I seen on a different post, Gwen Stefani and Blake were helping one another thru their divorces .

    9. Eva Flores says:

      Good for them it’s there life

    10. Dont care who he is dating but I do enjoy the eye candy!!

    11. Lorie Chaney says:

      Agreed Ashlee Williams

    12. Who cares. Blake is eye candy!! Love him!

    13. so what he’s dating he didn’t die because he got a damn divorce s*** is over with move on

    14. Nancy Funcke says:

      Give it a rest! Leave both Blake & Miranda alone!!!!!!!

    15. Just guessing Reba !!’

    16. So what he has a right to date who he wants as does Miranda life goes on.

    17. He looks and acts like a drinking a*s

    18. Lover lover you don’t treat me good noooo more…. Once a cheat always a cheat….

    19. It’s his business if he is dating someone. He is divorced.Who cares if he drinks. He can still sing

    20. Lover..lover you don’t treat me good noooo more…. Cheater cheater…

    21. Dianne Box says:

      It just kills me how ppl can judge so what if he drinks do what if he is dating he is single n they BOTH are moving on. Wow

    22. So what if he drinks…he likes to have fun and laugh ..just plain have fun. Something you would probably know very little about …BETTY…THE HOLY ROLLIN ABSTAINER…BORING$#%&!@*DULL..HOMELY LOOKIN.$#%&!@* DON’T NEED TO WORRY HON..AIN’T NO FUN GUYS GONNA BE GOING TO YOUR PARTY..FOR SURE!!!

    23. Sherry Gross says:

      Who cares!! Let the man live his life!!!

    24. Wtf$#%&!@*I can say what I feel so go suck a$#%&!@*and kiss my$#%&!@*if u don’t like what I said keep scrolling U ugly looking fucked up troll

    25. And talk about looks ugh U look like U got hit with a frying pan dumb b***h

    26. So Not Right For Him But I Don’t Really Care For Him Anymore

    27. I read an article that stated this was not true.

    28. It’s his life…So he can live it the way he wants to…. Just saying

    29. Shiela Lewis says:

      Do you really expect performrrs to stay merried?? Get over it besides it is NOT our business.

    30. Jane Whiting says:

      Nunya type thing nunya business !!!!

    31. Ok really who cares. Get a life

    32. Its nobodys business.

    33. It’s no ones business but his! Leave it alone!

    34. Best wishes for A long and happy future, in your life adventures!

    35. Marsha Pike says:

      You 2 are wrong for each other!

    36. Who cares who he is dating?

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