
  • Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani Continue To Broadcast Their Love!

    A New Year, A New Blake Shelton & Gwen Stefani Photo Op!

    We just can't get enough of musical lovebirds Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani, and evidently we're not the only ones, because social media has been buzzing since news broke of their blossoming romance late last year.

    They haven't been shy about sharing their love with the world, even posing for photos with fans and posting affectionate photos online of themselves spending quality couple time together.

    The latest sighting of the pair came just before New Year's Eve, when they spent a romantic day at the Mosby Winery just 2 hours outside of Los Angeles. Just before that, they posted photos of themselves at a football game.

    To learn more about Shelton and Stefani's romance, please continue to Page (2) for all of the intimate details…

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    1. She will never be as good as Miranda…she has class, no talent, home wrecker and an awful mother

    2. Becka Hogan says:

      Wow.. So, umm, how do you really feel?!?!

    3. Can’t stand her or him anymore. He is stupid for being with her!!!!!

    4. She is so ugly don’t know whats wrong with Blake she is no good mother either

    5. Doris Bills says:

      Don’t like either one

    6. And just how long did y live with them to know all of this information Adele Carpenter??

    7. Over both of them,they to move on so over them…..

    8. Gwen dont have half the talent miranda does.

    9. That’s ok Miranda she ain’t got nothing on you you’re a lot prettier she’s just down right ugly and he’ll end up with someone else cause he’s not faithful

    10. I don’t have to live with them to know just like you don’t . so stfu

    11. You tell em Adele M Carpenter i agree with you

    12. That Gwen Stefani is so ugly, and fake.

    13. No comparison Miranda has nothing to worry about

    14. They say they are having twins

    15. Who the heck you trying to kid? She reminds you of Cruella de Ville, would make a darned good one too with her looks, far from Beautiful their is no comparison to any one else, just isn’t!

    16. You don’t have to live with anyone to know, their the ones who puts their selves in the spot light to be seen, and to be seen isn’t just of it all, she’s with him every where, kidless having someone else taking her place with them, so yeah I would call that not good parenting, hummmm Shelton & Marinda’s marriage wasn’t even cold for very long before boom Cruella & Shelton was out and about not only looking very much like couple but acting very much like one as well, so if called home recker?, well deserved, actions always speaks louder than words!

    17. Who cares . -TEAM MIRANDA

    18. Lost respect for Blake!

    19. You three ladies need to get a life and MYOB. And you need to STFU Adele M Carpenter.

    20. Who cares.I sure don’t.

    21. Margaret Lara-Ruiz we have evey right to comment and kiss my azz

    22. I for one have lost interest in this BS

    23. She’s the one who was caught cheating. Gwen is gorgeous not only on the ouside but on the inside, more than I can say about Miranda.

    24. Judy James says:

      I thought this was over I haven’t read about them for day!!!!!!

    25. Bonnie Ewert says:

      MIRANDA YOU THE BEST she not pretty your beautiful keep your chin up

    26. Who cares? He is a cheating, drunk. Yep that’s who I would want to have around my kids.

    27. Margaret Lara-Ruiz Don’t like replys that are put on here than suggest you not come on this page and read them, it’s very fair gain, like I said their the one and only ones who has put their own selves in this spot light, they didn’t have too and could very well do as other stars & country stars keeping them & their familes outa the spot light, no one elese but them that does it, so yeah is our bussiness if want to comment on it, you need to learn how to be more respectful to everyone!

    28. Enough of this Miranda has way more class than what is being shown by these two.

    29. You ladies seem to think that you are the only ones that can comment. I made a comment you ladies didn’t like , IDGAF!! And all of you can kiss MY$#%&!@* Stupid righteous b`s.

    30. Margaret Lara-Ruiz get off it…go do your crack…goodbye

    31. Miranda is sooooo much prettier, just saying

    32. Gwen ugly is ugly does.

    33. Jane Whiting says:

      Shut the hell up you haters, the party’s over and you weren’t invited so why do you think its any of your business about what he or Miranda are doing in their lives?????

    34. What a$#%&!@*….Why do people continue to throw Gwen in Mirandas face. Miranda is much more prettier n it’s Blake’s lost not Mirandas. I still feel as fast as Blake n Gwen are moving their was something going on WAY before the sudden divorce. And besides all that, Miranda has more class in her little finger then Gwen n Blake have combined togeather. Man what a$#%&!@*

    35. Nancy Dunbar says:

      Why do u want to hurt her

    36. Gwen pales in comparison to Miranda

    37. Blake will soon realize Miranda is the best for him. Hope it not to late. I think Gwen is fake.

    38. Love you Miranda!! Blake and Gwen, just go away, no one will care!! People like you deserve each other!

    39. Janice Heath says:

      She ain’t jack and he’s scum

    40. Not jerks, just don’t care anything for GweBla, and this isn’t Miranda’s page, their the ones who keeps putting their own foolish selves in the spot light, GweBla hugging, pratcially on lap, wearing camo, trying to molk Miranda if see, and ones who needs to tone it down alot and stop flashing their deceet all over the place, knowing full well it’s all wrong, so stop chastsizing us for things we may or may not say.

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