We Still Can't Believe This Story!
Ever heard the term “raise the roof?” It's a phrase that refers to, well, generally going a little wild and crazy, typically at a party of some sort, and just overall having a good time. For the audience at a recent Brothers Osborne concert, however, that phrase took a whole new (and quite literal!) meaning. That's because right in the middle of their performance, the roof started coming down around them!
The award-winning duo was performing at the Eyptian Theater in Boise, Idaho, a venue that opened in 1927 and is a historical landmark. Fortunately no one was hurt, but we're sure the audience was quite alarmed to see the roof coming down right on them! That would sure scare us, and we'd be a little uneasy the next time we attended a concert.
To learn all about the harrowing incident and how the Osborne Brothers reacted to it, please continue to Page (2) for the unbelievable story.
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