
  • Country Star Chris Lane’s Advice For Staying Fit (Music Included)

    Working out is hard. There is no denying that but the hardest part seems to come to consistency. Here is what the star had to say about his inspiration.

    “Well, just being in front of a lot of people every single night. I wasn’t feeling like I was in the shape that I should be in. I have a job that allows me to meet so many different people and to play in front of so many different people and I just wanted to take the initiative and try to get in the best shape that I could possibly be in. I mean that’s part of the job, I feel like.”


    He does have some advice for fans when it comes to living a healthier lifestyle. The first being to find what works for you and the second one…well I will let him tell you that as you may not like what he has to say (at least those of us who love the convenience of fast food that is)

     “As far as workouts, I’m starting to find that CrossFit actually works best for my body type. I feel like I’m getting in shape much faster than I would do anything else for some reason. If you’re on the go and have to stop somewhere to eat fast food and there is a grocery store around, you can always skip the fast food and go to the grocery store and get an apple or some deli meat or something like that. Do a little bit healthier than fast food.”

    This just goes to show you if you focus and work hard a healthy body is achievable even with a busy schedule. And he even gives you great music to listen to while working out!



    Source: Sounds Like Nashville.

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