
  • Jamey Johnson Refused to Disarm so House of Blues Cancelled His Show

    I have never heard of anything this insane when it comes to putting on a concert.

    Jamey Johnson is a name that is known to the largest stars in the world of country music. His talent is so well respected that even Willie Nelson has taken notice saying this about the singer

    “Jamey’s one of the best pickers and singers and writers we’ve got around today,” Nelson says. “When people ask me about some of the new guys coming up, I’ve always got to throw Jamey’s name out there because he’s that good.”

    So when House of Blues canceled his show on July 23rd, needless to say, his fans were not happy.

    There are many stories floating around as to the details of why the show was canceled but the gist of it is that his band was told they would have to completely disarm or be denied entrance into the venue.

    As a veteran of the Marine Corps Johnson wasn't having it.

    Holding fast to his Second Amendment rights they went back and forth with the venue until it was obvious they weren't getting anywhere thus leaving no choice but to cancel the show. The fans were disappointed, Johnson and his crew were outraged. As someone who has fought to protect this country, as someone who fought for our Second Amendment rights he was told he could not exercise those rights to protect himself.

    This is what the House of Blues had to say:

    “As always, the safety and security of our guests is our number one priority,” the House of Blues said in a statement Sunday evening. “Tonight’s artist refused to adhere to our safety and security guidelines and would not enter the building. Unfortunately, tonight’s show is canceled. We regret any inconvenience to our guests. Refunds will be available at point of purchase tomorrow. Our box office will be open at 12 PM for any purchases made at the venue.”

    Several members of Jamey Johnson’s crew responded to the House of Blues statement, including Tony TC Coleman, the 62-year-old legendary drummer who toured with B.B. King for many years and who recently joined Jamey Johnson’s band. Coleman said in a statement,

    “As a member of Jamey’s band, House of Blues management ‘Live Nation’ was wrong for how they treated the situation. Jamey was ready to give an amazing performance as he has done every night since the year and 3 months I’ve been in his band. I stand with him on this. House of Blues didn’t need to treat us like we were terrorist. They put a metal detector between Jamey’s buses and the stage entrance and the only people coming in and out of his buses was us. His band and crew and we all have laminated stage identification. We did not come to House of Blues to be treated like we are going to kill the fans. If someone came backstage to harm anybody you better pray there is a Jamey Johnson type individual around.”

    Want to know why musicians carry- check out the story before the song on the video below. It happens more often than not.

    It's such a shame that a night of music and fun was damaged by the politics of a few.


    Source: SavingCountryMusic




    1. Why did I ❤️ this? So proud of Jamey Johnson! Thank you for your service!

    2. Love you Jamey! Oohrah!

    3. Well, the public needs to refuse to do business with that place, and see how long those fools can stay in business

    4. Joey Furr says:

      It a shame to not let him wear his gun while playing his songs. What’s wrong with this picture? Let them have there guns to play music!

    5. I saw this earlier. Good for him

    6. Karen Kirby says:

      Love and support Haley, it was his right. Thank you for your service

    7. I support Jamey Johnson. Thank you for your Service. By the way. I may have missed it but how did they know he had gun? Did he volunteer this information. If so thank you. At least he was honest.

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