
  • Flash Back Friday: (Video) Johnny Cash “One Piece At A Time”

    Now it is said that this is an actual car that was built one piece at a time. Apparently, the original promo car was destroyed, so a fan by the name of Bill Patch who resided in Oklahoma rebuilt a car based off of the song. So impressed with Bill's work Johnny Cash himself played a benefit in the man's city of Welch OK and helped raise money for various charities in the area.

    Cash apparently drove this iconic car in various parades and multiple music videos although now it sits in a museum HERE  for all of his fans to come and admire.


    There are those who are die-hard Cash loyalists who feel that while this car is a nod to the iconic singer, it should be given the praise as it's not the original one. Personally, I feel that if Cash felt honored by it enough to drive it around and fly out and perform benefits for its creator's hometown then we should give honor where honor is due.

    What are your thoughts? Does this song take you back?




    1. John Wharton says:


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