
  • Waking Up Is Hard To Do But Hopefully This Will Help

    There are so many things out there designed to help you wake up in the morning. Everything from special alarm clocks to creative inventors who make these elaborate devices that slap you in the face or lift the bed up and toss you into your day.

    One day I was shopping and noticed what looked to be a house mat that was a mat that you place on the bed, and it went off at whatever time you set, and the only way to shut it off was to stand up on it. Now, I don't know about you, but that would NOT last long in my house.

    One of the things that you will always hear in my house is early in the morning is music. It's blaring from my daughters' bedroom when she's getting ready for school so one day I asked her, why in the world is her music on that early in the morning? Her response- it helps me to wake up.

    So that got me thinking, and I have compiled for you on the next page a list of songs that will help you wake up in the morning and start your day off with a smile

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