
  • [Video] Conservatives Are Idiots? Chad Prather Responds

    I will freely admit that this is a gentleman whose videos I watch on almost a daily basis. Maybe it's the hat or the fact that he uses a light humor to point out the silliness of pop culture, society and everything else that seems to be wrong with the world. But the thing I love most about his videos is that he always seems to discuss topics that are “touchy subjects” with a lighthandedness that is perfect for the world today.

    So I have included for your viewing pleasure his latest video addressing the mainstream media's take on conservatives and how they feel they are all “idiots.” Now growing up in the south I know that this is not the case, but it seems that the media has once again taken a small handful of people and judged an entire group of people for the first group's incoherent ramblings but fear not, Mr Prather sets them straight.

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    1. Diane Smith says: very very true..really worth listening to

    2. Frances Corn says:

      Thank you so much.
      Genoa Ar.

    3. Lyla Prather says:

      I “ve never have heard any of your song we are not family are any thing. I”m a prather also

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