
  • [Video] Conservatives Are Idiots? Chad Prather Responds

    There is something about the southern charm that I love. It may be the fact that my grandmother taught me that we in the south do not tell someone off in a harsh manner we simply say “Bless your heart.” That is why I love this response. He is direct, humorous and kinder than most people nowadays even though he comes at you like an older brother setting the record straight.

    Like he points out I, along with many others, am tired of the hypocrisy that people want to place on those who are conservative, hardworking people simply because something didn't turn out the way they thought it should. We are told to be nice but then rallied against in the most vile ways.

    Conservatives are not idiots, nor are we all mean, backwoods hillbillies who have no clue how government works. Just like all “non-conservatives” are not all radicalized, baby killing, hippies. We need to stop feeding into the culture of negativity and realize that we all have to live and work together so do the best you can with what you have where you are. Be kind- it's really not that hard.

    Source: Chad Prather


    1. Diane Smith says: very very true..really worth listening to

    2. Frances Corn says:

      Thank you so much.
      Genoa Ar.

    3. Lyla Prather says:

      I “ve never have heard any of your song we are not family are any thing. I”m a prather also

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